story of a little kingdom hidden amongst thorny brambles, inhabited by elves and fairies. The story revolves around a royal fairy picnic, and Princess Holly invites her best friend, Ben the elf, to join them. They prepare for the picnic, and Nanny Plum, the magical fairy, creates food and drinks using her magic picnic basket. However, due to a past incident where the magic jelly caused a flood, Nanny Plum decides to use safe new words to prevent any mishaps.
On the picnic, they are joined by Gaston, the ladybird, and enjoy lemonade, sandwiches, and magic jelly, carefully controlled this time. When Nanny Plum's magic goes awry, Ben saves the day with a stock magic spell, and they end up having a lovely picnic with both fairy and elf food.
Overall, the story revolves around friendship, cooperation, and the fun adventures in the little kingdom of elves and fairies.